Doc Rat’s surgery is trying out some new telephone headsets. Unfortunately, Gizelle seems to have upset a spider. Just how and why I’ll leave up to you!
Use your imagination and come up with something funny to complete the cartoon. The competition winners have usually been those whose caption adds more to the joke than just a recap of the picture. Pertinent, off-the-wall or sometimes just surreal in a perfectly-focused way. So go ahead – try your luck. You could be the next person to find some free, original Doc Rat artwork winging its way to your home.

Click on the picture to be taken to the competition page. Then send me the funniest caption you can think of, and if yours makes me laugh the most, you’ll win the actual picture itself. Get to it.
We have a winner for the previous competition, too. The best caption for the Aug/Oct 2018 set was Jonathon, from Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia. His contribution is here. Click on this link to see the end result and of course the Special Mentions.