I will be attending Anthrocon, in Pittsburgh PA, June 29th to July 2nd, 2017. Keep an eye out for me where you see Bill Holbrook, of Kevin and Kell fame.
I really look forward to meeting everyone who can make it there. Certainly if you’re already planning to go, then look me up – we can share a sketch and a story or two.
Jenner had a great time at ThronesCon 2017

While I’m at it, I must tell you about ThronesCon 2017, a Game of Thrones convention that was held here in Melbourne on the weekend of May 20th and 21st. I had a wonderful time talking, laughing, telling stories, and also selling sketches and my limited-edition prints. As you see in the illustration, the con scheduled four of the cast performers to come to Australia. Although one had to cancel due to sudden unavoidable reasons, we still had great congeniality and conviviality from Dominic Carter (Lord Janos Slynt), Miltos Yerolemou (Syrio Forel) and Ian Beattie (Ser Meryn Trant).
When I can, I’ll give you all a better look at the caricature artwork.

Update June 7th 2017. Here’s a better look at my four caricatures from ThronesCon 2017, Melbourne, Australia.