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Jenner has been an Australian newspaper and magazine cartoonist for over twenty years, drawing professionally and non-professionally in both the Australian and US scene in the small amount of time outside his duties as a full-time doctor. He is currently working in a city general practice, and has adopted the anonymous pen name Jenner as an ethical courtesy. Although a daily strip on the Internet is four years old, his Doc Rat character has been appearing in medical and non-medical magazines for over a decade, including Bush Alert, vicdoc and the Medical Journal of Australia. Jenner currently editorial cartoonist for Australian Doctor Weekly.

May/June 2013 Competition

May/June 2013 Competition published on

The winner: John Reynolds, Concord, California, USA


“I wanted face painting not a nose job!!!”
– Bill Chapman, West Perth, Western Australia. Australia

“I told you, no thanks, I’m an Anteater, not a Painteater.”
– Crookedwolf, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

“I don’t care if you are an artist, French kiss me again and I’ll be adding frog legs to my ant diet!”
– Merlin, Tornado Alley, USA

“Ugh! You have painted me all wrong, my nose is really NOT that big”
– Meagan Ellerton, Queensland, Australia

“You might have told me they were plastic ant models. I hope they weren’t made in China.”
– Jaime, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

“And who do you think you are, Toad? Saliva-dor Dali?”
– Jon Wilson, Lafayette, California, USA

“Will you just try ants for once? Your ad said ‘Likes bugs, broad palette.’”
– Jesse Henning, San Francisco, California, USA

“What has good taste — and sounds like a bell?”
– W. Reid Ripley, Port Hueneme, California USA

“Only an artist can create great Doc Rat captions.”
– M Henry, Franklin, Tennessee, USA

“You call this a Monet-back guarantee?”
– Jenner

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